Written by Dave:  When we were in Paris, we were looking at all the multitude of cheese around us.  We were eager to try many of them.  Camembert was one of those cheeses.  We put it in my backpack and continued our walk around the city.  As the day wore on, I kept catching a sniff of something not so fresh.  Eventually I thought it must be the strong cheese from Switzerland that was in Nancy’s purse.  We checked, and that wasn’t it.  Still, the smell never seemed to be too far from us.  I even went so far as smelling myself and the family to see if for some odd reason it could be us.  That didn’t appear to be the case either, but the family found my actions quite offensive.  This continued throughout the day, but only getting stronger.

Eventually we got onto the metro for our ride back to the campsite.  As we got on, Summer sat down next to a lady.  The lady made a funny face, and looked at Summer, then looked at me.  She obviously thought something bad had followed us in.  Nancy noticed this, and thought we really should find the source of the smell.  I said to check in my backpack, but I really didn’t think anything could be coming from there, as I forgot we put cheese in there.  Nancy opened it up, and voila, that was it.  Closing it quickly we determined not to open the pack until we got back to our campsite again.

At camp we ate our cheese, with many protestations to the smell from Luie.  When we were finished, the cheese was put into the refrigerator.  In the morning, we opened it to find a powerful smell great us and overtake our camper.  This smell has lingered with us now for a couple days.  Opening the windows is helpful, and actually almost necessary.  The cheese tastes very good, however.  As we were opening the windows to eat our cheese, it struck me.  I now know were the phrase “who cut the cheese” came from.  Another lesson learned in Europe.

7 Replies to “Who cut the Cheese?”

  1. Know just what you are talking about. The same thing happened to us in Hutchinson. Greg brought some cheese back from France. We were at camp meeting and staying in the dorm. We put the cheese up on a shelf In the closet. The smell went under the door. The smell travel down the hall. The smell finally found its way to lobby. Bad news!

    1. Actually, not sure how we will be able to go back to cheese in the US. I haven’t ever had cheese like this before. The eggs are great also. They still have feather fluff and farm material on them when we buy them. Just like you picked them up after the hen dropped them. Dave

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