P1040407January 6 is Dia de Los Reyes Magos in Spain.  There is often a parade with the Three Kings, Melchior Caspar and Balthazar,  throwing sweets to the children.  Then that night you leave out your shoes along with some food for the camels.  We put a dish with carrots out on our terrace along with our shoes to be filled by the Three Kings during the night.  The next morning we had an excited Luie informing us that all the carrots were gone and there was stuff in our shoes!!!



We checked online to find out the time for the parade and it was listed at 2:00 this afternoon.  Unfortunately, when we showed up, the plaza was empty and we saw a sign that informed us the parade was yesterday.  We had a very disappointed little boy.


Dictated by Luie:

I wish we got to go to the parade.  And I like looking outside to see what the three kings brought us.  I wish I saw the three kings.  I woke up in the middle of the night but the carrots were gone and they already came.  In the morning I looked outside and saw presents there and I really wanted to go outside and look in my bag.  But I did not, I waited until mama and daddy woke up.  My favorite thing from the three kings is all of them.


Written by Summer:

When I found out that we were going to be following the Spain traditions for christmas I was really excited!  Which meant we were going to be getting our presents on the morning of January 6th.  I loved all my presents! I received a gorgeous purple pashmina, silver key earrings, a burgundy manicure set, and a silver charm necklace!!!  I really enjoyed our three kings day.  🙂

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