Eating protein after exercise will help muscle recovery.

Here is a recipe for a loaded protein shake.  It has evolved over the last 6 months from just simple protein powder and water to what it is now.  And being who I am, it will probably continue to evolve.  But I have been pretty happy with this for at least 3 months now.


Loaded Protein Shake

  • 1 cup fresh Kale
  • 2 scoops protein powder
  • 1 heaping T. pure cocoa powder
  • handful of cashews
  • 2 T. Hemp seeds
  • 1 T. chia seeds
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1 cup water

May need to adjust the water and ice to work in your blender.  Blend it up and enjoy.  Please note that this is not sweet.  I like the taste, but if you don’t, you could always add a banana for a little sweetness.

Hemp seeds:  Contain all the essential amino acids, like flax seeds.  Click HERE to read an article about the goodness of hemp seeds.  I buy mine in bulk at a health food store.

Chia seeds:  Contain omega-3’s.  Click HERE for more nutritional info.


2 Replies to “Loaded Protein shake”

  1. Sounds good. Chia seeds are also supposed to up your metabolism. I’ve been eating sliced apples with chia seeds and unsweetened coconut.

  2. you know several years ago when we started using chia, Andy’s used to sell it for $1.98 a lb. Then it slowly went up to $2.98 which I thought was outrageous. Then I went to get it the other day… $9.98 a lb! That’s crazy! They are so good for you though. lots of omega 3 in chia and fiber!

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