Once again, these photos are taken from the passenger seat through the windows, so they are not very good, and may not even be in focus.  However, I wanted to give you a glimpse of our trip from North East Spain through to southern Andelucia.

Shortly after crossing the border, we noticed these unusual trees.

I recently downloaded Rick Steves’ Spain 2012 to my kindle.  I enjoy his books and find them very informative when traveling.  He says that Spain’s major moneymakers include tourism, clothes, shoes, olives, wine, oranges, machine parts, and ships.

As we drove along, I suddenly said, “Something smells amazing! What is that!”  Summer piped up that it smelled like tropical flowers.  That’s when I noticed that the median in the road was filled with what looked like gardenias.  Wonderful!

It may be difficult to tell from this picture, but the trees in this photo are heavy with oranges.  This picture is taken just outside of Valencia.  We did stop and buy some fresh Valencia oranges while we were in town!  Delicious!

The farther south we went, the more palm trees we saw!  Oh, it warms the heart and soul!


There he is!  The man, driver, head of the family, rational thinker, and tolerator of stinky cheese!

At this point, Dave and I both remarked that the rugged mountains and palm trees reminded us of Hawaii.

I recently read in a travel book that Spain is the second most hilly country in Europe.  Second only to Switzerland.

Due to rain and poor lighting, I didn’t get photos of some interesting places.  Valencia for example.  We drove through at night.  But the little bit that I saw out my window, it reminded me a bit of Paris.  I am anxious to visit again.



3 Replies to “Road trip Spain”

  1. I’m amazed that Spain would be the 2nd most hilly country in Europe. As I traveled in Norway, there were no flat spots, all mountains. It’s so interesting to see these pictures, I, too, thought it looked like Hawaii.

  2. hahaha I like your description of Dave. 🙂 Tolerator of smelly cheese! 🙂 It did look like Hawaii except the mountains were brown instead of green. Makes me miss Hawaii.

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