Bamboo projects with Luie and Daddy

Several months ago, Summer did a project making a water hammer using bamboo.  This was very fascinating to Luie.  So when he saw the tall bamboo growing next to the stream, he brought several long lengths up to the house and asked daddy if they could do a project together.

bamboo projects

They decided to make a bamboo wind chime.

making bamboo windchime

Dave cut the bamboo into different lengths.

Daddy helps Luie sand the bamboo

Luie helped to sand the rough edges.

sanding bamboo for windchime

different lengths of bamboo

Luie assembles the wind chime.

drilling holes for bamboo fluteThen Dave decides that he will also make some bamboo flutes.  He drills the holes for the flutes as Luie watches.  Luie is quick to tell Dave when to stop drilling before he goes all the way through the bamboo.

playing bamboo flute

The flutes turn out remarkably well, and Luie is happy to start playing.

finished bamboo wind chime

The finished bamboo wind chime is beautiful.  In Luie’s words “This is so cool!”

bamboo flutes

A new flute for both Luie and Dave.  It think a concert is in order!  Bravo

Making memories, making projects, enjoying family time!

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